Science Experiments for Children

On this page you will find various science experiments, especially in chemistry. You can browse directly through the experiments or use the following filters

Volcano Experiment

VOLCANO EXPERIMENT SHEET Topic pH, Acid-base reactions Category Home Experiments, Experiments for Kids Main product Citric Acid, Bicarbonate,...

Making Gel Balls

EXPERIMENT SHEET OF ARTIFICIAL SNOWMAKING Theme Polymer Category Experiments for children Main product Gel Beads Short description In this experiment, the...

Self-inflating balloons

EXPERIMENT SHEET FOR THE SELF-INFLATING BALLOONS Topic Acid-Base Reaction Category Experiments for Children, Chemistry Experiments Main product...

Optical Prism

OPTICAL PRISM EXPERIMENT SHEET Category Physics Experiments Main Product Product Newton's Prism Short Description This experiment is a simple and...

Elephant Toothpaste

EXPERIMENT SHEET ELEPHANT TOOTH PASTE Topic Redox Reaction Category Experiments Exhibition, Chemistry Experiments Main product Iodide...
